It’s Summertime! Why See Your Dentist Before the Fun Begins

It’s officially summer, and you’ve been waiting months for some rest and relaxation. Whether it’s spending time by the pool, taking a trip, or making the most of the additional time you now have, there’s no denying that the warmer temperatures are likely to get you out of the house and have some fun. But before you hit the road or go for a dip in your backyard pool, you might consider scheduling an appointment with your dentist. Keep reading to find out why a regular checkup and cleaning can reduce your risk of a dental emergency while enjoying your summer festivities.

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4 Common Tooth Extraction Myths, Debunked!

The thought of having to remove one of your precious teeth, even if they’re damaged or decayed beyond repair, can be scary and nerve-wracking. But guess what? It’s not as daunting as it seems, and you’re definitely not alone. It also doesn’t help that there are so many misconceptions about tooth extractions that you hear throughout your life, increasing the fear of the unknown. While nobody is going to tell you that tooth extractions are fun, they likely aren’t as bad as you’re led to believe. Get the scoop on this fabled dental treatment by learning four common myths that are told about it and why they’re simply not true.

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Ways to Enjoy Holiday Foods Without Harming Teeth

Now that it’s late November, the end-of-year holidays are well in sight. You’re likely preparing for Thanksgiving, Christmas (if you observe), and other special days. Still, don’t get too caught up in these festivities. Being careless with holiday foods could ruin your teeth. Should that happen, you won’t enjoy Winter as much as you’d like. Luckily, your Revere dentist can help you avoid this outcome. Here are four dental tips to let you eat seasonal foods without fear for your grin.

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