Keep Smiling, Keep Living: The Power of Good Oral Hygiene

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Remember how proud you were of your child at their high school graduation, or the joy you felt on their wedding day? Those memories are priceless; staying healthy ensures you can continue creating more cherished memories. Keeping up with your oral hygiene can help you retain your memories for years to come!

How Does a Healthy Smile Impact the Brain?

According to a study published by the American Academy of Neurology, researchers have discovered a link between good oral hygiene and a healthy brain.

Much of the existing research states that the presence of gum disease and tooth loss are contributing factors to negative cognitive decline. The inflammation that occurs when bacteria attack the gum tissue causes the gums to recede, resulting in bone and eventual tooth loss. If you allow inflammation and bacteria to build up in your mouth, it enters your bloodstream and can travel to the brain, resulting in diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

However, when a person decides to take better care of their dental hygiene, the chances of gum disease and tooth loss decrease, resulting in better brain health.

How Can Better Oral Hygiene Be Achieved?

It’s never too late to start taking better care of your teeth and gums, so no matter your age, you can take the necessary steps that will have you seeing a healthier smile. These might include:

  • Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth twice each day for two minutes
  • Flossing between teeth at least once a day (before bedtime) to remove food debris and bacteria
  • Rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash to flush out particles and remnants left behind by brushing and flossing
  • Eating foods that are high in valuable nutrients (i.e., lean meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, greens) while staying away from sugars and starches
  • Seeing your dentist every six months for regular dental checkups and cleanings so that they can evaluate your smile and administer treatment early on should it be necessary
  • Give up any unhealthy habits that cause damage, stains, or decay (i.e., smoking, drinking alcohol, using your teeth as tools, etc.)

Being able to hold on to your memories is important as you grow older. Give yourself the best chance to remember the good times by doing your part to take better care of your smile.

About the Practice
Page Family Dental consists of four dentists who enjoy helping those who desire better oral health. Providing preventive services that help detect issues early on and reduce the likelihood of serious dental problems, like gum disease and tooth decay, they stand by the positive results that can be achieved with regular checkups and exams, gum disease treatment, and more. If you need help making your oral health a priority, contact us at (781) 284-5443 to find out how we can help.