It’s Summertime! Why See Your Dentist Before the Fun Begins

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It’s officially summer, and you’ve been waiting months for some rest and relaxation. Whether it’s spending time by the pool, taking a trip, or making the most of the additional time you now have, there’s no denying that the warmer temperatures are likely to get you out of the house and have some fun. But before you hit the road or go for a dip in your backyard pool, you might consider scheduling an appointment with your dentist. Keep reading to find out why a regular checkup and cleaning can reduce your risk of a dental emergency while enjoying your summer festivities.

Summer is a Time to Slow Down

Now that summer has arrived, your schedule may look a bit different, allowing you to slow down and actually take the time to get in and see your dentist. Scheduling a visit early on will set you up for success during the warmer months, as you spend more time outside barbecuing and enjoying the pool. Your dentist can check for any cavities, gum disease, or other potential problems that might keep you from getting the relaxation you need this time of year.

It’s a Great Time to Pursue Complex Dental Care

If you’ve been putting off a dental procedure because of your hectic schedule, summer can be the perfect time to get started.

Whether it’s dental implants, a root canal, or even orthodontics, you can worry less about scrambling to get a project done and instead, focus more on recovering. While it may not be the preferred way to spend the dog days of summer, it’s certainly worth it when you can avoid the stress of work.

It Can Be Ideal for Prepping Smiles for Sweet Treats

Instead of packing a lunch for your child to take to school each day, they’re at home going through the cabinets and reaching for anything that contains sugar and/or starch. Chips, candy, soda, fruit juice, and gummy snacks may be what they want, but it’s not what their teeth need.

With a trip to the dentist’s office at the start of summer, their pearly whites can be better protected with the help of fluoride treatment, dental sealants, and a regular checkup and cleaning. Also, it’s a great time to make sure you’re stocking up on healthy foods and snacks for them to enjoy, like fruits and vegetables, calcium-enriched dairy, and plenty of lean meats and leafy greens.

Summer Dental Visits Can Minimize Dental Emergencies

The last thing you want is to enjoy an afternoon with friends when suddenly, a dental emergency occurs. While accidents can still happen, a dental visit at the start of summer can minimize the chances of a nagging toothache or another similar issue.

By allowing your dentist to check your teeth for existing signs of decay or gum disease, they can administer appropriate treatment to safeguard your smile and keep it better protected throughout the year.

Don’t let the summer slip by without scheduling a visit to see your dentist. Not only will you feel more confident in your appearance, but you’ll spend your time at home or away knowing that your smile is in the best possible shape.

About the Practice
Page Family Dental consists of four esteemed experts who are committed to creating a positive experience for all patients. Treating children and adults, they offer comprehensive services that are designed to improve smiles and ensure better oral health. No matter the reason for a person’s visit, we are here to address problem areas, offer insightful tips, and produce radiant results that will last throughout the year. If you and your family are preparing for summer, make sure to contact us at (781) 284-5443 to find out how we can set you up for success during these warmer months.